Teaching Children About Electrical Safety

Kids are naturally curious and have a strong desire to explore the world around them. When it comes to electricity, however, seemingly innocent exploration can lead to highly dangerous consequences. While it’s important to teach children to respect electricity, it is also important for them to learn how to handle electrical situations responsibly. 

Remind your children to:

  • Always, always, always stay away from power lines.  Always assume they are "live and dangerous" and will cause serious, even fatal injuries.
  • Never climb any trees growing near power lines.
  • Never touch outdoor wires with your hands or any other part of your body or by using other objects.
  • Always keep flying kites, model airplanes, etc. in large open areas like fields and parks, outside of the danger of trees and overhead power lines. If a kite gets stuck in a tree that is growing near a power line, let it go -  do not climbup to get it.
  • Never go into or near an electric substation for any reason. Electric substations contain extremely dangerous high-voltage equipment, which can kill you. Never attempt to rescue a pet that goes inside. Instead, call your local electric utility company.
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